We would like to wish all of our customers & staff a positive, healthy 2022! We thank all of our healthcare heroes for staying strong & supporting our community with your hard work & sacrifices over the last 2 years. A FREE SCRUB SET will be offered to one healthcare hero biweekly starting Jan 14th. Keep an eye on FB & Ig posts & use our instore ballots.
We will continue to support you by having all of our staff vaccinated, wear KN95s or double mask, maintain distance & properly sanitize. You can shop in store, by phone 613-724-7771 & online shop.scrubsforthem-ottawa.com Curbside pickup & delivery available. #ottawanurses #fatimaatgerr #nurse_megan2011 #ottawahealthcare #ottawadental #ottawaveterinary #ottawauniversity #algonquincollege